01642 484318

Newcomen Primary School

Pupil Premium

Newcomen Primary School is a family school with a strong sense of identity and tradition.  The school is a safe school embedded within the community and parents and carers are very supportive.

We actively engage with parents and carers and promote the importance of parents being the first educators of their children. Parents’ and carers’ opinions are welcomed and acted upon reflecting an honest and genuine home school partnership.  This can be evidenced in our annual family questionnaires – see website.   Parents and carers know that we act upon comments in the best interests of families and their children. There is an overwhelming energy and team ethos at Newcomen Primary School. The CAN DO culture of the school is positive and progressive and our established shared mission statement of Believe Achieve Succeed is embraced by all.

References to Pupil Premium Ofsted Inspection:

“Additional funding is used to support disadvantaged pupils very effectively. The school is recognised both locally and nationally for the range of strategies used to remove any barriers to learning and to ensure that all pupils achieve well. Leaders thoroughly evaluate how the pupil premium is used to ensure that it has the intended impact. As a consequence, disadvantaged pupils across all year groups achieve the same high outcomes as their peers.

The progress of all groups of pupils is similar across each class. This is because leaders have a rigorous system to check and track how well each pupil is doing. Both leaders and teachers intervene rapidly when a pupil may not be on track to reach the challenging level expected of them. The quality of work in pupils’ books supports this. There is very little difference in the progress of disadvantaged pupils, most-able pupils, pupils who have special education needs and/or disabilities, and boys and girls.

In Early Years, additional government funding for disadvantaged pupils is spent judiciously. Over the last three years, the gap narrowed and has now closed between disadvantaged children and other children in the school.”


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